Alex, Approximately

by Jenn Bennett


If you are a fan of You’ve Got Mail, this is a solid book for you.

The story is told from Bailey’s point of view; Bailey is friends with a boy online where they talk about their obsession with classic films. She moves to live with her dad in the same town that her online crush lives and secretly tries to figure out who he is.

I had a difficult time liking Bailey in the beginning of the story. She starts uptight and difficult, but as the book progresses she grows as a character. It’s no secret what will happen here, but it’s fun anyway, and I raced to the end of the book to reach the big reveal.

Overall this is a fun read. Bailey and her crush have some heavy back stories that felt forced sometimes and occasionally the dialogue felt stilted from Bailey, but you forgive all of that as the book sweeps you in with its classic hate turns to love tale.

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